Pam Keaton - Artist and Author


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"Jack's Wish" - 12 x 16                              "Cash Dear" - 12 x 16                                  "Ava's Wagon" - 18 x 24                



"Sand, Sea, & Saxen" - 12 x 16                         "Mommy's Mittens" - 18 x 24                 "Grandpa's Heartstrings" - 16 x 20



      "Hunter Pan" - 16 x 20                          "Weslie's Hands" - 11 x 14                            "Young Maestro" - 16 x 20  



   "Grace" - 14 x 18                                         "Vincent" - 18 x 24                                         "Timothy" - 16 x 20



     "Simple Pleasures" - 30 x 40                                  "Memorial Day" - 30 x 40