Pam Keaton - Artist and Author


Pam's first novel, Malina and the Lost Art is now available on and other internet bookstores or by emailing the author at


Almost every town has a creepy old house that causes people to whisper. For Malina Mason, the problem is...her parents are making her live in it. While her parents spend all of their time and money remodeling the town's largest historical home, Malina feels condemned to poverty and boredom. She knows that this latest house is different from any they have lived in before; but what Malina doesn't know is that this house holds a secret...and possibly...a treasure. It is a secret that only Malina can discover and a mystery that only she can solve. But will the truth end her family's problems or make things much...much...worse?  One thing is certain, Malina is about to stop feeling bored.




Two of Pam's paintings were chosen to be featured on the 2013 calendar for the Northern Ohio Chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. 




Also in 2012, Pam completed the illustrations for an entire children's book by Lisa Hall entitled Burton the Sneezing Cow.  This book is published by Little Creek Books.




In 2012, Pam completed the cover art for Lisa Hall's fourth book in the Cutie Pie series, Sand Tarts, Pies, & Devils in Disguise by Mountain Girl Press.  Her work was also featured on the cover of Life According to Liz  by Little Creek Books. 




In September of 2011, Pam's artwork was featured in the advertising for a Dayton area prosthetic and orthotic facility.  Fidelity Orthopedic, Inc. has been providing products and services to the residents of Southwest Ohio since 1929.  It is Pam's hope that this and future artwork for this facility will draw special attention to these special people.  The prosthetic device featured is a violin bow adapter by TRS.




In 2011, Pam's artwork was featured on the covers of four books by Little Creek Books.  More information is available on the "Book Covers" page of this website.




In 2010, Pam's artwork was featured on the covers of two books by Little Creek Books.  More information is available on the "Book Covers" page of this website.





Pam's artwork has been featured on all three installments of Lisa Hall's books Secrets, Lies, & Pies in 2007, Cheaters, Pies, & Lullabies in 2008, and Playdates, Pies, & Sad Goodbyes in 2009.  These books as well as the others noted above can be purchased as well as other standard booksellers.  More information about the author can be found at  To see a television interview with the author, Lisa Hall, please click here  Photographs of the original paintings can be seen in the "Book Covers" page of this website.



In 2008, Southern State Community College purchased one of Pam's original pieces "Weslie's Hands" for their permanent art collection.  A Larger image of this piece can be seen in the "Oils" page of this website. 





Pam has been creating artwork as well as writing poetry and short stories for over twenty years.  Although she has produced a good bit of commissioned art over the years, her literary work has been kept relatively private until recently.  Pam was thrilled to have one of her short stories, "Roadtrip to Albany", included in The Zinnia Tales, a collection of short stories released in October, 2006, by Mountain Girl Press.   Another of her short stories, "The Baker's Cabinet", was included in Self-Rising Flowers also by Mountain Girl Press and released in October of 2007.


